I have exciting news!  On Monday, October 21, I will be on the Today Show.  I was chosen to compete with two others in a, "Too Good To Be Healthy Chili Contest", with Joy Bauer.  I entered my recipe for "Really Good Green Chicken Chili".  It's healthy and easy because I use a food processor to chop all the peppers, onions, garlic and tomatillos and use a rotisserie chicken.  I will post the recipe when I get back on Tuesday.  Hopefully I'll post some pictures of my experience too!

  I'm asked a lot about how I hear about these contest I enter.  Well, it's an amazing web side called Cooking Contest Central.  CCC is a hub for anyone passionate about food, who is interested in entering cooking/recipe contest.  A membership to CCC is $25.00 a year and it provides me with information on the latest contests, as well as tips for entering and community support.  I joined after I had heard from all my Pillsbury Bake-Off friends who are also members.  I'm having fun entering these contest and so far I'm a two time finalist in the Pillsbury Bake-Off, made the finals with my Caramel Macchiato Cheese Cake (but only won a coffee cup!) and now I'm on my way to New York to be on the Today Show.  How cool is that!  Wish me luck!  

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